ICQ occasionally rewards me with opportunities to talk with total strangers. They just show up after trolling through the ICQ white-pages. This is a sample of one such conversation:
me 04/12/00 5:38 PM Who’s this?
some kid. 04/12/00 5:39 PM just someone looking for converstion
some kid. 04/12/00 5:40 PM are you from Kingston?
me 04/12/00 5:40 PM thass right..
some kid. 04/12/00 5:40 PM looking for people to talk to and your name was one of them
some kid. 04/12/00 5:40 PM where in K-town?
me 04/12/00 5:40 PM oh hey… how about that…
me 04/12/00 5:40 PM amherstview
me 04/12/00 5:41 PM u?
some kid. 04/12/00 5:41 PM That’s where my mother grew up
some kid. 04/12/00 5:41 PM More north, i mean more towards the country
me 04/12/00 5:41 PM and you’re where now?
some kid. 04/12/00 5:41 PM heard of a villege called Sydenham>?
me 04/12/00 5:42 PM gotcha. You going to school or something like that?
some kid. 04/12/00 5:42 PM i go to school in Kingston
me 04/12/00 5:42 PM yeah
some kid. 04/12/00 5:42 PM you?
me 04/12/00 5:42 PM working working working…
some kid. 04/12/00 5:43 PM where?
me 04/12/00 5:44 PM I’m the king of a small island in the St Lawrence.
some kid. 04/12/00 5:45 PM what?
me 04/12/00 5:47 PM king (kng) n.
Abbr. k., K. A male sovereign.
One that is supreme or preeminent in a
particular group, category, or sphere.
some kid. 04/12/00 5:47 PM i see….
me 04/12/00 5:47 PM Or in this case an island on the Saint Lawrence. Two trees 1.5 acres. It’s nice really.
some kid. 04/12/00 5:48 PM do you like it there?
me 04/12/00 5:48 PM The view is nice but it gets windy.
some kid. 04/12/00 5:49 PM i can imagine



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